*insert lots of thoughtful wisdom silliness*
ooooor not!! haahahaha!
life is pretty funny. we've been getting a few smacks in the face which are turning out to be kisses from God. ....... hmmm... not sure if that made any sense.. OH WELL! :D
I'm in paaaaain. I got my wisdom teeth out on friday. Joy. It's been pretty rough.. Friday and Saturday were probably the worst days. yesterday was weird because I felt like I could live again, so I tried living, and then I ended up getting really sick towards the end of the day. not good. today I'm trying to take it easy. I hate taking it easy. it sounds so easy and fun, but try doing it when you want to be out and about. *sigh* I don't liiiike it. blah.
have I ever mentioned I love babies? I love them. I LOVE THEM. I freak out when ever I see one anywhere. I'm all "BABBYYYYYY LOOK LOOK IT'S A BABY!!! AHHH!!" and my friends are all "yes Cc, we see the baby, caaaalm down..." I love my friends. they're the best ever. XD I got a baby sitting job for the first time last Saturday. My job was to put these two little girls to bed. no big deal. but I was thrilled. the girls were sooooo sweet and cute and the loved me. I was floating for the next few days. :D
OK, Auditions are coming up in a few weeks. but i have a problem. i don't know which show I should audition for. I need some help here. should I do:
Annie Get Your Gun (with Civic)
The last Gladiator (with Theater Arts for Children)
or, Pocahontas (with CYT)
I don't know what I shall doooo!!! they all sound amazingly fun! doing a show for Civic would be a great experience, doing another TAC show would be suuuch a blast, and CYT... well, CYT is kinda my backup plan. if I don't do the other two, I might as well do CYT. :)
I hate decisions... phooy. Help me out here! :D
mmmk. the pain meds are making me very sleepy now. I'm gonna go crash.