I don't really have anything to blog about. but I feel the need to type and just say hi.... I'm actually avoiding doing some school... I'm calling this "taking a break" but really, I don't need a break and I could easily be going about my studious business. but no, I'm a looser. XD
I'm a Cc.
what are you?
that's exciting.
hmm.. well, this weekend I cleaned. a lot. like, serious deep cleaning. like the kind where you clean, and then you clean so deeply that you make a huge mess, and then you clean that up, and then everything smells like cleaner and dust and it's all shiny. that kind of cleaning. and you usually end up rearranging furniture too... with my bedroom, it's so small, that there are limited ways you can rearrange it. but I did anyway. I scooted my bed about 3 feet so the head is against the opposite wall. it feels all new and snazzy now. 3 feet can make all the difference. :D
This weekend I also went on an excellent hike at Bowl and Pitcher with my two best friends Rachael and Mara. That was lovely. It's always nice to have a day were you just laugh and laugh until your sides hurt. Rachael can drive now, so we drove there together, all spiffy with the music cranked up high and our sunglasses on (not really. I don't believe any of us had sunglasses on... but we were eating Fudgesicles! makes us just as cool, right?!) , and then remembered that we don't really know how to get to Bowl and Pitcher. so we wondered about, slightly lost... and then I figured out how to work the GPS, but by then we were already on the right road, headed straight towards our destination. so much for that. all in all, it took us about an hour to get there when it could have only took us 20 minutes. but it was a fun time.
It was a simply gorgeous day out, just perfect for walking around and enjoying Gods creations. We walked and talked and talked and walked, and climbed rocks, and found some pretty blackish blue sparkly dirt that we decided to take home... and yes, we did indeed walk back to are cars with it in our hands. kinda looked like we were carrying poop around... but it was totally worth it. :D and then we ended the expedition with some fabulous Froyo, which we ate at this lovely little spot on the south hill that looks over all of Spokane. Now that's what I call a good day. out
So that was my Friday. Probably the most exciting part of spring break. A lot of my friends went to California or Hawaii or what ever on their spring break. Honestly, I think that day was probably better then their trips combined.
Donuts are really really disgusting. I just had half of a leftover donut from yesterday. It was nummy... but now I have a headache, and that greasy aftertaste in my mouth. Gross. Who decided that frying bread in a ton of fat and then putting a bunch of sugar filled frosting on top was a good idea? It's not. it just makes America obese. And makes Cc grumpy. They should have a label on donuts that say "Do not take if you are a Cc, side affects include grumpiness, obesity, headaches, and general unpleasantness". Cause I really do need a reminder that I really hate those things... I forget... Every time. Kinda like Hot Dogs! hehehe.... My cousin and I have this inside joke about that... She lives way on the other side of the country, and she and her family usually come over here for a few weeks during the summer for the Annual Family Reunion. and you know how family reunions are. They're basically a reason for the men to get together and BBQ. Every night. And occasionally oysters are served. hmm. maybe this is just what happens at our family reunions. but anyway, the BBQ starts and you start to smell hamburgers and Hot Dogs, and after a long day of swimming you're pretty hungry, and as you go through the buffet line, those Hot Dogs look and smell really good. and so Cc says "maaaan, I want a Hot Dog, it'll be worth the calories. I'll just ignore the fact that they're made out of.... hmm.. we wont go there." and so she has a Hot Dog. And every time after she takes her first bite, the immediate response is ALWAYS "I. HATE. HOT DOGS." and her darling cousin Teresa will respond "I know. told ya so." Anyway. It's not really that great of a story. I could have just said that I hate Hot Dogs. but no. I just had to elaborate. because that's what I do. :)
Hmm. I suppose I should get on with my day. I don't especially want to. I've been having a hard time being motivated to do anything lately. which is rather frustrating, cause there is so much to be done. and I just don't want to do any of it. it's weird not having a show going on... I know it's only been a week, and I've closed several shows in the past 6 months, so it shouldn't be all that strange. but it's like, right now I'm looking at about 6 months straight without theater... and that's. weird. I wonder how long it will be before I start going through serious withdrawals... :P probably not long.
I've recently started playing piano again. It feels good. I can tell my fingers have really missed it. I took a break cause.... Well, there's actually no reason why I took a break. I stopped taking lessons, I picked up the guitar, I got caught up in theater, and piano kinda got pushed to the side. mostly I just got lazy about it. It's rather depressing. I really love the guitar a lot, but there's something about the piano... the challenge... that I really like a lot. guitar is a breeze for me. I pick up on things super super fast. but sometimes you need something that really pushes you. so yeah. it's good to be back on track.
okay. I really am going now. *Sigh* see how my brain is right now? it's just all over the place! You know what else I wanna do that I haven't done yet? I wanna learn Italian dang it! graaaaaaaaahfdlajermf. see. there we go again. I have the attention span of a bumble bee. I better go. really. really now. :-/