There was a time when summer seemed like it lasted a lifetime. Now it feels like it's slipping my fingers, and I'm trying to claw it back into my grasp. It's only July, I know. But I can't help but think about how fast the days are going by, and notice all the "back to school" sale advertising that seem to be almost anywhere you look. It was actually kind of amusing... the day school got out, I checked out the Apple website to look at a Macbook Pro to purchase, and they had a back to school add already posted. I just about punched the computer.
So, I completed my first year of college. I am now a senior in high school/sophomore in college. It was a tough year, and things didn't go exactly as I wanted them to. But what does, right? Not my plans, but His. Although it was a pretty dang successful year, it was really tough. And the horse, as it seemed, bucked me off pretty hard. And let me tell you, it's gonna take everything I have in me to get back on that horse again. Especially because I will probably have to take an extra quarter next summer to make up some credits I didn't quite fit in last year. *sigh* not to mention the SAT. But really, I don't think I regret the choice to go to school. I've learned a heck of a lot about who I am, and gained lots of knowledge. Just gotta learn how to swim through it in a more graceful manner next year. Gotta get that technique down.
Where am I now? Well, currently I'm working 36 hours a week at work. Thank goodness I love my job and the people there, or I'd be a wreck. I'm teaching lessons as well as lifeguarding now, and that's put a different feel on things. I'm learning a lot about good communication and articulation with the kids. It's a tough one for me, cause I'm most comfortable talking when I have a script in my hands to tell me what to say, or a something planned out way ahead of time. it takes a lot out of me to have to explain things on the spot. it's definitely a trial and error kind of thing. It's hard not to be discouraged when I don't do as well as I want to when I teach, cause I always want to give my students the best of the best, but there's only so much I can do at times, and I just have to accept that. But I must strive to be the best teacher I can be, for the aak of my students. I'm there to serve them.
I don't really have any other projects going on other then work. I miss theater more than anything in the world. But I just haven't had the time. But oh, what I would give to be back on stage again.
So. Future plans? Well, currently I am planning on finishing up my AA degree and getting those silly requirements out of the way, and then taking a year off before I go to a real school. I decided that I need to know what I want to major in before I go off spending thousands on tuition. I also decided I want to explore every possibility in order to decide. So I'll probably spend that year doing a heck of a lot of theater, shadowing my orthodontist to explore that profession, baking a lot of cookies, and traveling. Man, do I want to travel. I like da plan. I like it a lot.
Alrighty. So there's a scatterbrained account of where I'm at right now. Im mostly just posting this for myself, really. To remind me what I'm doing and what I'm accomplishing. :) All in all, God is good to me. :)