Saturday, March 8, 2008


I might be doing two shows at the same time. Wow.
Ok, so heres whats going on. My friends school is doing this play called Murder by Indecision and apparently they where really desperate for actors. So the other day I was chatting with her and she's like "Hey! Are you interested?!" And then some how everything worked out and I am going to a read for the drama teacher on Monday! I am really excited.
And then I am going to do Beauty and the Beast for CYT. Lots of fun. But it sure is a big bite to take. Rehearsals for the school play is Mon-Thu and then on the weekends are the B&B rehearsal (provided I get in) plus CYT classes on Thursdays. So I'm going to be gone almost all week. We might have to drop CYT which makes me extremely sad. But maybe not. HOPEFULLY not.
So yeah. Crazy crazy crazyness.
More to come............. :)

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