:D Yup. I'm having fun.
I GET TO SEE PETER PAN ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!! I am SOOO so so so so excited. they opened last week on friday and since then I've heard nothing but awesome things about it. I've seen a lot of pictures from it too. I found this picture on this blog.

Ooooooohh, I'm so jealous of you, Cecilia. I want to see Peter Pan!!! *pouts*
It would be soooooo AWESOME to be able to play in it, wouldn't it?! To be Wendy!!!
Great pictures!! Actually, when it's overcast is the best lighting for photography. especially if your taking pictures of people. ^_^ The top one's really neat. With the water against. . . whatever it is! :P
Oh my gosh I know. I am so excited!!!! :D I really wanted to be in it. I wanted to audition for it really bad but we weren't able to. it was a sad day. :P
yeah thats one of my favorites too. :)
So I'm gonna start posting comments back to you on my blog because for SOME silly reason it wont let me post it on yours!! grrr....
I couldn't stand not being able to post back. :) Sooo much to talk about...
the BFG stands for Big friendly Giant. it's a pretty cute book. :)
I think it would be really cool to teach beginning piano. But I don't know. it would be pretty scary. I don't think I would be able to do it. :D I would actually really like to have some kind of job right now. It would be nice to have some extra money to save up for stuff or college. I don't know. :P I would probably suck at teaching anything. lol. I was actually thinking about joining our church choir because I would get paid 50$ a month. and that would really rock. but I don't know. my older sister does it and she really doesn't like it because of the people who are in it with her. but she's sticking to it because of the money. so I don't know. maybe. :P
Love, Cecilia
You're church PAYS the choir? Weird. How often do they sing for the church, though? That would make a difference. :P
Honestly, I think I'm more of a 'second in command' type person. I don't like to be in charge! So, I don't think I would teach very well. ^_^
I don't think I want to go to college. I would like to go into acting, and I love photography, and so I guess eventually I could have a site and sell my pictures, or even do photography for weddings and stuff. So, I dunno.
Do you want to go to college?
Hey, I changed something in my 'comments' thing, and I think it works now. My bad!^_^ I was trying to make it so that the comment thing was embedded bellow the post, but apparently it doesn't work with my theme or something pathetic like that.
I'm doing pretty well.:P My youngest brother Jerome is sick. We're taking him to see our docter now. we normally wouldn't, but it's not a virus and he's been sick for more than a week. so, I'm kinda tired from that...
*laughs* When I read your comment I was thinking of lots of things to say, and now I'm having trouble remembering what they were! ^_^ I'm so weird some times. . .
I am liking Sense and Sensibility a lot. It's soooo much better than I thought it would be! It's not like I thought it would suck or anything. i love the story, but there's just more in the story than I thought. :D Have you seen(a version of ) the movie? If you haven't, I would recommend the one with Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman, etc. honestly, I haven't seen any other, but I like it a lot!! I sticks to the story pretty well, and I loove the acters!! They're GREAT! Anyway, gotta go.
How was Peter Pan????
Hey! Twice? Well, that's no far at all. *laughs*
I know!! I hate performing for that reason! Either you're all worried and then you play great, or you feel fine and you mess up terribly!!
I might have asked you before, (sorry)but does your teacher have student recitals?
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