But anyway, believe it or not I've actually been insanely busy. I'm teaching swimming again down at SCC. that's been a BLAST. that started about three weeks ago. It's been such a amazing experience. I love love love working with those kids. they make me so happy. and I love the other people I work with. we have such fun together. :)
hmm.... I didn't ever talk about "Joseph" did I? well, that closed in the beginning of June. It was a pretty good show as far as the acting and the technical stuff goes. But it was a very bitter sweet experience for me. kind of a culture shock, really. there were some really nasty things going on behind the scenes. and there were also some really fun things. but it was very hard. I had to sleep for two days after it closed because it was just sooo draining both emotionally and physically. I don't want to get in to any details so as not to hurt any feelings. but yeah. It was not fun a lot of the time. :-/ The next show I will be auditioning for will be Theater Arts for Children's production of The Secret Garden. I'm auditioning with my little sister. that should be a lot of fun. that will be sometime in the fall. I'm not quite sure when. I should probably check that... hahaha. I'm pretty excited. it will be fun to try out another theater group. :) so that's where I am in the theater world.

I think that's about it... We went to a family reunion a few weeks ago. It was sooooo much fun. I love my family so much. :) It was up at a lake resort somewhere up north. about three hours away from spokane. it was really really nice to be away from the city for awhile. I got to spend a whole week and a half with my fabulous cousins who I pretty much NEVER see because they live on the other side of the country. haha. it's was just fantastic. :)

I hope you all are having a fantastic summer. I must away to do some cleaning.. yuuuck. :) I'll try to post more often. hehe.