Well, I'm back! I haven't written since last year. weird. *sigh* not a lot has happened in the first month of this year. my sisters have been traveling a lot and, as usual, I've been left at home. I've got cabin fever. I haven't done anything fun with my friends since new years. which wasn't that long ago but it feels like forever. Time is going by very slowly. I want to do something exciting. I guess that's kind of my choice tho. I could mope around the house wishing I was doing theater, or hanging out with my friends, or I could find something exciting to do on my own around the house. I think I should start taking walks. but I'm kind of afraid of stalkers ( I HAVE been stalked before. not fun) so I don't know if that's such a good idea. and plus I can't do that most of the time because the weather's been so terrible and gloomy that I don't want to go outside at all. *sigh* I need a attitude adjustment. I have been very very grumpy lately. I need to get out of it. fast. I hate being in bad moods. It's all very frustrating. I want to be happy. I need to learn how to control my mood swings. Karen says it's my choice whether or not I'm in a bad mood. I have the power to pull my self out of it. I can CHOSE to be in a good mood. and I believe her and everything. I just haven't learned how yet. *sigh* I feel like I've written all this before. I probably have. arg. I'm having a lot of nasty teenager feelings right now. but I'm going to ignore them and think of the wonderful things that have happened to me in the past few weeks. I got to go to my cousins house today. I love them. I had a really really good time. we went over because they were having a super bowl party. I'm not really a big fan of football. at all. It kind of freaks me out. I don't really see the point of running in to each other and then running and then getting tackled. it seems like a very silly game. so I didn't end up watching the game. instead I hung out with my cousins in their rooms. and I really enjoyed my self. I haven't had that good of a time with them in awhile. It was very nice. I'm very tired now. :)
On friday I got to go to Mozart's Magic Flute with my daddy. it was fantastic and beautiful. I had a really good time. I love the music in that opera. It's a good show. and it's nice that it's such a silly children's opera. it almost makes no sense at all. very amusing. :P The talent was wonderful. they all had beautiful voices. and it was just really nice to be somewhere with my dad. I don't get to be alone with him very often. :P I had a very good time.
I HAVE been reading a lot!! I read a LOVELY Historical fiction book called "Blood on the River" I really loved the way it was written. it's by Elisa Carbone. and it's quite wonderful. It's about a boy who is page to Captain John Smith. It's a very sweet and exciting book. I have decided I really like historical fiction. XD
Ooooh I really should be getting to bed. I'm very tired. I don't really have anything else to write about. I feel bad tho cuz I haven't written in so long. oh I know. I'll post pictures.

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