hey guys.
Honestly, life has been really really hard this week... actually this month has been pretty rough. not because of events or people, well, kind of about people, but mostly just spiritually rough for me... I've had a really hard time concentrating at mass, and I'll forget to talk to God throughout the day and make Him the center of my life. but I think it's getting better now. today was the first time in a while that I've felt purely happy and could feel God right there with me. And it wasn't like anything miraculous happened. It was a pretty normal day actually. I got up and had breakfast. I cleaned my room spotless. I finished a math test and did pretty stinkin well, which is a big accomplishment, I haven't done well in math for about 2-3 months. gah. did some other school and then I went on a bike ride downtown to drop off some books at the library, and then I rode to St. Aloysius's and just sat in the church and prayed and thought. for about two hours. I just needed to clear my mind and put it all at God's feet. I wrote in my journal and prayed a rosary. I adore my faith... It makes me so happy... there is no way to describe it... it's just beautiful.. anyway. it was a absolutely gorgeous day. GORGEOUS. I wish I could have spent my whole day out there. every time I went outside I just started grinning. I wonder how many people I freaked out... probably a lot... either that or I made their day. that would be cool. :) I just wanted to throw my arms out and thank God for that beautiful day. but instead I ran around some beautifully green hills (looking like a crazy person and not caring) and rode my bike around the park and down some hills really fast. it was awesome. anyway. it just made my life better.
Lets see....
tomorrow is the day my little brother or sister would have been born if he/she hadn't been miscarried. honestly, I'm still pretty upset about the whole thing. when I think about it I still get sick and sad and angry... hopefully it wont ruin my day tomorrow. I miss that baby... a lot...
Oh, I got in another show. I'm in Spokane Children Theater's production of A Christmas Story. I'm playing the part of Helen. so far it's been a lot of fun. my character has the potential for a lot of attitude, so I'm really excited to be able to play with it and make it my own. I like our director a lot, he's quite the goof ball but knows what he's doing. so it's cool. it's gonna be a fun show. :)
Anyway. so that's what's on my mind. well, there's actually a lot more on my mind... but we'll leave it at that for now. I need to get to bed. my lovely mommy just came in and told me to go to bed. let me tell ya, it's really annoying having my parents bedroom exactly underneath mine. they can hear everything, and I mean everything, I do. it doesn't help that we have wood floors and they squeak sometimes. ahahha *SIGH* but she's right I guess. sleep is good. so over and out for now. :)
God Bless
Oh! I just thought of something. I'm gonna ask you guys a question. if your out there. which I doubt. ha. nobody's reading this. but what ever. I'm gonna ask a question anyway!
Do you have a spot where you go when you want to be alone? Comment and tell me about it!
Cc's answer: I have a few spots. one is probably my bedroom. sometimes I'll hide in my closet behind the cloths. but it gets pretty stuffy in there. hahahaaha. another place is this secret spot along the trail that's surrounded by trees. I love it. it's right along the river. I've been going there a lot to think and just be alone. But if I can't go there, I go in my front yard and sit on our swing. the only draw back to that is that there are cars going by all the time and usually there are neighbor kids in our yard. so I tend to stick with my bedroom. :)
Comment if you're there! :)
Goodnight world.