Sunday, October 17, 2010

week without Facebook day 1

So far so good. just now when I got on the computer I automatically started signing into facebook out of habit, but I stopped myself just in time. I feel accomplished now. hahahaha. :)
today has been a pretty good day. I just got up from a 3 hour nap... I've slept a third of my day away... woohoo.. XD I wonder why I'm so tired lately.. I went to bed at 11 last night, I was up reading. I probably would have read longer, but I decided the book would be even better if I wasn't half asleep. so I reluctantly put it down and turned out the lights. I've discovered a disadvantage to having your own room. when you share a room with your sister, your kind of forced to go to sleep at a reasonable time. when you have your own room, you are challenged with the temptation to stay up till insane hours of the morning... which is probably not healthy, and which I have done several times this week month, which is probably the reason I've been taking three hour naps every other day... hmm....
Anyway. Before I took my 3 hour nap, we had one of my Dads brothers family over for the morning. that was fun. he has 3 grown up children, and one of his children has a little girl. We don't see them very often, so it was fun to catch up. My Uncle is actually a Photographer. so I got to get some tips from him and show him some or my pictures. I was told for the first time I could actually get paid for doing Portraits... that was a new thought.. I guess I knew eventually that would be an option once I was good... but now? I guess so! he told me I should take my friends out and do some portraits of them, (which I had already been planing on doing) and then I should put together a portfolio and then I could start looking for gigs. so that was a interesting thing to think about... I'm not sure I'm confident enough to do that quite yet, but it's cool that I could if I wanted to. it's exciting. :) it's amazing what wonderful opertunitys God opens up...

I want to make an apple pie today... I think I should get off the computer and run to the store to get some apples... hmm... maybe I should start selling my baked goods too.. hehehehehe

Question... hmm... do you prefer colorful socks or just plain white socks?
I prefer colorful socks personally.. in fact, I like to wear socks that don't match.... at the moment I'm wearing one black sock, and on the other foot I have a striped purple and green sock. :D

More tomorrow. :)


Zita Louise said...

I like colored socks for Saturday when I don't have to be socially acceptable in any way. I can where colored socks, and my pirate vest, or a toga is I want to. I like Saturdays. But for days when I have to appear in public, I prefer white or black socks. :P

Taylor Marie. said...

I stalk you. Make me pie.

Cecilia said...

HAHAHAHA taylor, that just made me laugh for like, 5 minutes straight... ahahahaha!