well, glad that's over. auditions went pretty well I think... I sang
"she's in love" from the Broadways little mermaid. and that was fun. I think I chose a good song. I had a lot of trouble with the chorus.. it's high and there isn't a lot of time to breath... but I had fun and smiled, and that's what matters. Maleny did a good job too. she was scared and nervous, so she wasn't her normal hammy self, but she sang very nicely, and I had a good time accompaning her on the guitar. So I'm pretty proud of both of us. I got a vocal callback for monday. I got there and we learned two parts from a song, and then sang it individually. I'm really liking the music for this show... it's really quite sweet... I felt really good about how I did for callbacks... I was nervous, but I got through it and was strong for the most part. it was a pretty good experience. later we did lots of cold reads which is always my favorite. maleny was there for that and did quite well. I just had a really good time. have I mentioned I love acting? hahahha. :) all the kids who auditioned were really fun people too. we were all supporting each other and it was just a good time all the way around. I really love TAC. it's such a great place...
and for the results? I have happily been cast as Marilla Cuthburt. I could not be more excited. Maleny did not get cast though... and I'm really bummed about that. but she's being a trooper and keeping her head high. there's always another show. plus, I think this is the way it needs to be. cause she just started Kung Fu, and I think she needs to focus on that right now. I think this is best. but I am sad. I was looking forward to being in a show with her and sharing my favorite place in the world with her. but oh well.
Rehearsals start tonight. we're doing a read through. I can't wait. it looks like it's gonna be a really fun cast. :) and so begins another adventure...
As for fresh babies (good grief, I sound like a creeper) My cousin is the new father of a beeeeautiful baby boy. the family visited yesterday. It's been so long since I've held a new born... it's t

he most beautiful thing in t

he world. he's only 9 days old. fresh fresh very fresh. ;) I'm so excited to have another Mannino in the family. Welcome to the world, Rufus Mannino. :)

1 comment:
Ceci, you were one of the best auditioners of the two nights. I knew deep down I wanted you cast, but I knew I couldn't force the issue when it came time to decide: you had to do it yourself. So I kept quiet, said nothing and prayed that everyone else would see the talent I see. And when your name came up, everyone unanimously said, "Marilla."
Congrats! I can't wait to see what you do with this part!
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