Things have been awfully crazy lately. I pretty much got my future handed to me in the last few days. Well, my future up to this fall. It's pretty crazy. I've been doing all sorts of testing and yucky paperwork so I can go to SFCC this fall, and it's all working out. Yesterday morning I went and took the compass test. It went pretty well. I got a 97 on writing, and a 89 on reading. I didn't take the math because when I got there, they gave me the option of taking it later. And I'm like heck yeah, cause of course I want to put it off as long as possible. But we found out later that I couldn't sign up for orientation until I take the Math. And signing up for orientation was the whole purpose of taking the test. So that was a bummer, but it turned out fine. When I got home I get this phone call from the running start office, and they're like "hey, your scores rock our socks off, and you need to be at a student seminar tomorrow before you start registering for classes." And apparently, the seminar is the same thing as orientation. Which really confuses me, But oh well. I'm hopefully gonna take the math some time this week anyway, and then I'll be totally set. Me and my sisters looked at classes last night, and I think I'm gonna start off with an English class, a photography class, a PE class, and possibly private guitar lessons just to fill in a gap that I have between PE and Photography. So that was super cool. Just figuring everything out right away. I honestly thought this proses would be more complicated then it is. But it's really not a problem.
okay. So that's awesome news number one. Awesome news number 2 is that I got a job interview! I applied for the YMCA as a lifeguard. They had a position open for weekends, which is perfect cause I really did wanna keep this summer pretty open. I got called yesterday, and I have a interview on Thursday at 2. How freakishly awesome is that!?!?!?!!?! I'm just freaking out! Everything I've been stressed about for the last few months is just falling into place, and it's all gonna be okay! GOD IS SO GOOD! I am just so at peace. It's been a pretty crazy road, and growing up is really really scary for me, but it's gonna be okay. God will be there holding my hand the whole way.
I am just so happy you guys. I haven't been so at peace in so long. I'm so glad I'm not doing any theater projects or anything right now. I've really just been spending time with my family and just taking it easy, and it feels so good. I've really been focusing on my relationship with God. Just trusting Him and knowing I can do all things through Him. No matter how difficult. He is so fantastic! I just can't believe it! I'm just totally in aw! :)
Lets see. What else. My big sister Karen is home for the summer. It's really lovely having her home. I wish Clara was here too. She's thinking about staying in Ellensburg over the summer. I'm not too happy about that. I miss her so much when she's gone. The house just isn't the same without her. But we'll see. :P
Well, I think that's all for now. I'll probably post later this week about the interview and all that good stuff. I gotta go do something productive now.
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