Hey Ya'll.
It's nearly the end of summer 2013. Summer never seems to last long enough. But I think this year was about right. A lot of crazy stuff happened over the past few months. But this post isn't really to recap summer, or to update you on everything that's happened in my life since the last time I posted. Because considering the last time I posted, that would take forever. Right now, I'm more interested in right now, and what's ahead.
I am officially a "freshman" in college, though technically I have enough college credits to be a junior, which is mind blowing to me. I won't be going off to a four college right away, I have 5 credits of math left before I get my AA degree, so I'll be returning to the community college this fall to finish that up, and then the rest of the year will be mine to enjoy. I've heard that this is technically called a "Gap year". I'm relieved that there's a name for it, because I thought I was doing something wrong by not doing the normal thing and going off to school right away, so it makes me feel better about myself knowing that lots of people do it, and that there's a title for that year in between high school and college. I've officially started searching for the 4 year college of my dreams, where I currently plan on taking on a major in Photography. I decided photography is something that I could really benefit from having some real instruction in. It's something I'm very passionate about, and I decided that it would be the best kind of "career" to have while also being a home maker, which is my real goal in life. Children are my favorite. Families are the best. If you can juggle a small business while raising a family, you are superwoman. My goal is superwoman. :)
A few weeks ago, I got back from a trip that my sisters and I took across the country to deposit my older sister off at grad school in Virginia. Long story short, we broke down in Iowa and ended up getting only as far as Chicago, which is where my other older sister lives, and flying my the other sister where she needed to be in Virginia. It was a crazy trip. But anyway, I'm back now, and being away from home for so long kinda gave me the inspiration I needed to get going on a lot of the activities I love to do. So for example, I've been spending a ton of time on photography and editing my photos and doing random photo shoots. I talk a little bit about that on THIS blog. (click da link)
I've also been working on some recording projects and writing music, which is fantastic. I've never really been brave enough to write my own songs. I always worry that I'm not creative enough, or that my lyrics will be to sickeningly cleshe. But I've really just been goin for it lately. I write down whats on my heart and mind and try not to worry about what comes out. I had a breakthrough the other day that made me really happy. I had written a melody and a few lines of lyrics, and the next morning they were stuck in my head, which to me is something really special. You should be able to remember and enjoy the things you write. And if you can, that's awesome. I'm pretty pleased.
I'm pretty optimistic about this coming school year/life. It is scary, growing up and all. But I feel pretty well taken care of. God is good. I have some beautiful, beautiful people in my life, whether they're across the country or in my home town. Every day I am amazed at how blessed I am.
I feel silly for ending this so abruptly. But I suspect I'll be writing more often. I've got a lot on my mind.
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