Sunday, December 12, 2010


Last month of the year. it sure is going by fast... it's already week two. I don't know if I'm ready for this year to end... it's a really weird feeling.. it's like there's a blanket being pulled out from under me. I'm not ready to let go. ya know? you don't, do you... I thought so... yeah... hmm.. oh well.
The show closes today. I have to start getting my stage makeup on in a bit. I'm not too bummed that it's over... I've had a wonderful time, and I've learned a lot and it's been great. but I'm ready to be done. I feel kinda mean for saying that, but I can't help but feel a little relieved that it's over. in 4 weeks I'll be auditioning for Anne of Green Gables at TAC. you have no idea how excited I am... My best friends dad is directing, and he's just such a great guy and I hear he's one of the best directors out there. it'll be fun. even if I don't get in, I'm excited to audition. it's been awhile since I've auditioned for a musical. and I'm excited to see how the show turns out. it's gonna be a ball of fun. and I love TAC with all my heart. so it's just happy all the way around! :)

life is pretty good right now. My sister Clara came home on friday for christmas break. she's been home now and then for thanksgiving break and small visits like that. but we haven't really been able to hang out and be sisters for awhile. so I'm very happy to have her home. Karen comes home next week. the whole family will be together. It'll be wonderful. I love Christmas. a lot.
one of my best friends came home from the Bahama's on Thursday. I got to hang out with her on friday. we walked to manito park and I took some pictures of her. not as many as I would have liked, but das okay. we had a good time. I've missed her so much... she's been gone for 3 months! there was a lot to catch up on. :)
lemmme seeee.... I think that's all for now. I'm happy. life is good. for the most part. :) I'll try to post again later this week. oh, and happy Gaudete Sunday!!! one more week till christmas!!!! :D

Saturday, November 27, 2010

winter and snow and everything good.

Hey you guuuys. sorry it's been forever and a day since I've updated. but what evah. it's been crazy.
so. last week was thanksgiving week as well as dress rehearsal week for my show. it was... intense. dress rehearsals were pretty scary. we starting running the show all the way though two days before we opened. everyone was super nervous and I don't think anyone thought we would be able to pull it off. but we did, and we opened with a bang. I think one of the most exciting thing for me was wearing a mic for the first time. it's not a big deal for most people, but for me it was like the forth of July.... the first day we wore it, I was seriously terrified... the thing is worth 400 bucks, and I wear it on my face. when I held it for the first time, I pretty much thought it was gonna blow up in my hand. it didn't, thank goodness, but it was scary. I feel super snazzy wearing it now... I think I should wear a mic all the time... and then, I could break out into song in the middle of the street, and people would dance with me! right? ... yeah maybe that's not such a good idea. ;) so yeah. that was a highlight. and then there was thanksgiving... that was super fun. Clara came home for the weekend. it was nice to have her around again. I miss her. we had Thanksgiving at my Aunt Perky's house. it was very nice and relaxing. it was a small gathering, but it was pretty much perfect. it was snowing a lot too, which made it super lovely, AND there were turkey's roaming about her yard, too. go figure. :)

So yeah. Winter is finally here. lotsa new photo ops. and that's super exciting to me.
But honestly, this month has been so long, and so hard... God's really working up a storm in my life, and it's really been changing me and changing my family. But as hard as it is, I can't help but be joyful and THANKFUL. I am learning and growing so much... and I'm so thankful for the family I have... they have been so loving and patient with me, and I don't deserve it. I've messed up and tripped several times this year. but no matter what they love me and are rejoicing with me while watching me learn from my stupid mess ups. so big shout out to my family who are all wonderful.
<---- so that was my cheesy bit of lovely right there. but seriously. GOD IS GOOD. ALL THE TIME. that right there is a fact. no matter what. :)
what else is on mah mind... THERE'S A BUNCH OF SNOWY HAPPINESS EVERYWHERE!!! YAAAAAAAAYYY!!!! Cc is super duper pleased. Except that they haven't shut down school yet. which makes her sad because then her friends can't come over and make cookies and have snowball fights. so that's a bummer. but that doesn't stop her from clobbering her siblings with snowballs... I love how I just start talking in the third person randomly... it's ridiculous. anywho. this week is looking to be pretty awesome. tomorrow I'm going contra dancing. Thursday I'm going to see white Christmas, Friday I'm going to see little mermaid, and then Saturday and Sunday I have two shows of my own. so I be a busy woman.
anyway. that's what's on my mind. I'll try to write more soon. we'll see what I can do. :)
so over and out! hope you all a had a wonderful thanksgiving. :)
oh, and that picture of the roses, yeah. those were from my show. I got 12 roses from a good friend of mine, and one rose from my secret pal. I've never gotten roses before, so that was supah awesome and amazing. and it made me happy. so there's a picture. hehehe. :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little moments.

I have a little funny story...
so, dad comes up behind me while I'm talking to clara, and he's bouncing on his heals like he does sometimes and rubbing my shoulders and he whispers in my ear "can I raid your bag?" Referring to my lovely pillowcase full of sweet delights. and I say go ahead. and he says "anything off limits?" and I say no... thinking there isn't anything I would be heart broken to part with. so he bounds off into my room and I hear him searching my bag. then I hear a "ooooooooo!!" come from my room... so I go in to investigate what prize he has found... I walk in, he has his back turned to me and I hear this "crunch crunch crunch" and as I come closer, I find that he has captured my king sized butterfinger bar, and is eating the entire thing with a look of glee on his face. he grins at me and walks out of the room.
now, I'm totally fine with that. I just thought it was pretty funny that he picked the biggest thing he could find. I love mah daddy. he's the best ever. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween weekend. :)

first off, I'd really like it if I could stop napping please. yesterday I pretty much slept all morning. I got up, went to mass, came home, went back to sleep, got up and had breakfast, went back to sleep, got up went to the bathroom, went back to sleep, and this went on till about 2:30 in the afternoon. now, I had had a big night the night before and was up till about 2:30 in the morning cause I was celebrating my friend Quinns birthday at Scarywood, so that was legit sleeping. But today, I definitely did not need the 3 hour nap I got. I had a pretty normal day, I got up and did my school and all. and then at about... 1:30ish I went to sleep and didn't wake up till about 15 minutes ago. I feel like I wasted the better part of my day. plus I have a headache from sleeping wrong, and I have to be at rehearsal in an hour. lovely.
But anyway. so as I said, Saturday I had the great pleasure of attending Quinns birthday/Juvie cast get-together at Scarywood. I have not had so much fun and laughed so hard in the longest time... sure, it was cold, it was raining, there were people with guns and scary bloody masks, evil clowns chasing us around, It was loud and there were people screaming everywhere (that usually bothers me), But I had my wonderful friends with me and a hand to hold, and I had THE time of my life. It was just so happy... I seriously can't stop thinking about it, words could not possibly describe how fun it was. I love my Juvies... I love theater kids... ahh.
then sunday I pertty much slept all day. I was zonked man. and then in the afternoon I decided I did actually want to go Trick or Treating with my cousins. they were having a zombie themed party, and I don't usually go as anything scary, but I felt like I'd be a weirdo if I went to a zombie party in a princess dress or something like I was thinking about doing... so I threw on my Dina outfit and makeup, added some fake blood all over the place, and it served me well. so off I went to trick or treat with a rowdy group of 8 teenagers to go ask for free candy door to door. I haven't been trick or treating in about 3 years so it seemed a little strange to me. but it turned out to be super fun. I love mah cousins super duper muchly. hahahaha :) and now, I have a 5 pound bag of candy. does anyone else like the smell of Halloween candy? I don't know what it is, but it has this nice smell... all the candy's mixed together.. it's got a special smell. I like to stick my head in the candy bag and just in-hail.... I'm pretty sure I'm a freak. :D
okay. I have to get to rehearsal now. I'm sorry for not writing in a freakishly long time... it's been a long week. :P
over and out!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

26 years and still strong.

It's my parents 26th anniversary today. Father Tom said a mass just for us and renewed my parents wedding vows. it was nice. I love my parents. they're my favorite ever. :)

other then that today wasn't so special.. I spent most of the day babysitting my little siblings while my parents were on a date. and then I went off to swim.and now I'm at home feeling very sleepy. apparently we're gonna watch "How to Train Your Dragon" in a little bit. I like that movie.
ahhhhhhhhhhhg. I don't know. I'm not in a very happy mood. and usually when I'm like this I get on facebook and talk to my friends and it makes me happy. but because I'm off facebook I'm gonna have to find another way to get out of this angst. *SIGH* maybe I should go journal or something.. I don't know. I miss my sisters... I haven't talked to Karen or Clara in a long time. I want them home. skype isn't enough for me... I just have a really hard talking to people over skype. hmmm. *SIGH* AHHHHGDSAEWIds kqa;eojafsdmcAPWQOIRKADi
mmmk. I think Ice Cream will make things better.... bed would be good too. :P
over and out for today.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you NOT to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" Marianne Williamson.

Sick Tuesday.

phoooooooaaaaa. Why am I so TIRED!?!? Ahhhhhhhg! I had THE most WONDERFUL sleep last night. I went to bed at 10:00, and got up at around 8:00 without waking up inbetween, so why on earth do I feel like I could pass out on spot? it's not faaaaaaair. *SIGH* there's a cold going around my house. I had it a little bit last week, and then my mom came down with it hard and now my brother has it. I guess I'm coming down with cold round two. I rode my bike to the library this morning to pick some stuff up, and it totally wiped me out. I just brought some laundry up the stairs, and half way up I felt like I couldn't pull myself up another step and I was gonna fall backwards. that didn't happen, but it's just like, come on! really now? really? *sigh* I hate being sick. it slows down my productivity. I don't like that. I like being productive. I like being super woman. *SIGH*

Yesterday was really hard for some reason. swim was hard. I don't know why. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. and then rehearsal seemed to last foreeeeverrrr.. it was fun at times, but it kinda made me wanna curl up and die. oh well though. that's show biz. :P

random fact, my toenails are pink today. pink with a silver line down the middle. yup.

Random fact number two. JESUS LOVES YOU. just sayin.

SCARY FACT! my little sister, as of yesterday, is taking Kung Fu. I kid you not. I'M GONNA BE SISTER OF THE KUNG FU PANDA! now, this scares me a little bit, but at the same time I'm excited for her. it's gonna be an interesting experience.

Sad fact.... I think my bunny died today. No, it's not because I was negligent, it was because he was an old bunny. poor bunny. hope he's happy in bunny heaven.... now, I'm not positively sure he's dead... I think he is cause he's just laying in his cage with his eyes open, and he doesn't look like he's breathing. so I think he's dead.. hmm...

okay. I'm gonna do something productive now. or I'm gonna try... :P

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Morning.

It's excatly 8:04 right now. my friends are probably at school. I'm here in my pink fuzzy robe and my pink fuzzy slippers sitting in my pink fuzzy chair. The radio is on and currently playing Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. I hate that song... "over played" is a understatement to say the least. I think I'll turn off the radio now...
My dad started the wood stove today. the first fire of the year is always my favorite. the smell brings back memories. it's probably not a really pleasant smell to most people.. it kind of smells like burning hair a little bit... but it's special to me if that makes any sense. and then there's the smell of your cloths burning when you stand too close to the fire when trying to get warm. I like that smell too... hahahaha I don't know. it's just a comforting smell to me. It's the sign that Fall is defiantly here and Winter is coming. I'm hoping we have a really snowy winter like we had in 2008. that was probably my favorite winter ever. :)
I'm hungry... I should probably go eat something.. but I'm jut really comfy here... it's just one of those mornings where you're content and happy. and I just wanna stay here in my pink fuzzy chair... but I do need food... dang...
mmk. I'm gonna attempt to start my day. I'll post later. :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Proof that I did indeed make pie tonight.

My silly daddy wanting to eat the pie. :)

Beautiful pie....
:) you should be very jealous...

And then here are some other fun pictures I took this weekend...

Right now... I want nothing more then to be on facebook chatting away... I think it's official.. I'm addicted. BUT I'M GONNA FIGHT THIS!!! AHHHHG. I WILL NOT GIVE IN..

week without Facebook day 1

So far so good. just now when I got on the computer I automatically started signing into facebook out of habit, but I stopped myself just in time. I feel accomplished now. hahahaha. :)
today has been a pretty good day. I just got up from a 3 hour nap... I've slept a third of my day away... woohoo.. XD I wonder why I'm so tired lately.. I went to bed at 11 last night, I was up reading. I probably would have read longer, but I decided the book would be even better if I wasn't half asleep. so I reluctantly put it down and turned out the lights. I've discovered a disadvantage to having your own room. when you share a room with your sister, your kind of forced to go to sleep at a reasonable time. when you have your own room, you are challenged with the temptation to stay up till insane hours of the morning... which is probably not healthy, and which I have done several times this week month, which is probably the reason I've been taking three hour naps every other day... hmm....
Anyway. Before I took my 3 hour nap, we had one of my Dads brothers family over for the morning. that was fun. he has 3 grown up children, and one of his children has a little girl. We don't see them very often, so it was fun to catch up. My Uncle is actually a Photographer. so I got to get some tips from him and show him some or my pictures. I was told for the first time I could actually get paid for doing Portraits... that was a new thought.. I guess I knew eventually that would be an option once I was good... but now? I guess so! he told me I should take my friends out and do some portraits of them, (which I had already been planing on doing) and then I should put together a portfolio and then I could start looking for gigs. so that was a interesting thing to think about... I'm not sure I'm confident enough to do that quite yet, but it's cool that I could if I wanted to. it's exciting. :) it's amazing what wonderful opertunitys God opens up...

I want to make an apple pie today... I think I should get off the computer and run to the store to get some apples... hmm... maybe I should start selling my baked goods too.. hehehehehe

Question... hmm... do you prefer colorful socks or just plain white socks?
I prefer colorful socks personally.. in fact, I like to wear socks that don't match.... at the moment I'm wearing one black sock, and on the other foot I have a striped purple and green sock. :D

More tomorrow. :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Crazy, Beautiful, Wonderful, life.

hey guys.
Honestly, life has been really really hard this week... actually this month has been pretty rough. not because of events or people, well, kind of about people, but mostly just spiritually rough for me... I've had a really hard time concentrating at mass, and I'll forget to talk to God throughout the day and make Him the center of my life. but I think it's getting better now. today was the first time in a while that I've felt purely happy and could feel God right there with me. And it wasn't like anything miraculous happened. It was a pretty normal day actually. I got up and had breakfast. I cleaned my room spotless. I finished a math test and did pretty stinkin well, which is a big accomplishment, I haven't done well in math for about 2-3 months. gah. did some other school and then I went on a bike ride downtown to drop off some books at the library, and then I rode to St. Aloysius's and just sat in the church and prayed and thought. for about two hours. I just needed to clear my mind and put it all at God's feet. I wrote in my journal and prayed a rosary. I adore my faith... It makes me so happy... there is no way to describe it... it's just beautiful.. anyway. it was a absolutely gorgeous day. GORGEOUS. I wish I could have spent my whole day out there. every time I went outside I just started grinning. I wonder how many people I freaked out... probably a lot... either that or I made their day. that would be cool. :) I just wanted to throw my arms out and thank God for that beautiful day. but instead I ran around some beautifully green hills (looking like a crazy person and not caring) and rode my bike around the park and down some hills really fast. it was awesome. anyway. it just made my life better.

Lets see....
tomorrow is the day my little brother or sister would have been born if he/she hadn't been miscarried. honestly, I'm still pretty upset about the whole thing. when I think about it I still get sick and sad and angry... hopefully it wont ruin my day tomorrow. I miss that baby... a lot...

Oh, I got in another show. I'm in Spokane Children Theater's production of A Christmas Story. I'm playing the part of Helen. so far it's been a lot of fun. my character has the potential for a lot of attitude, so I'm really excited to be able to play with it and make it my own. I like our director a lot, he's quite the goof ball but knows what he's doing. so it's cool. it's gonna be a fun show. :)

Anyway. so that's what's on my mind. well, there's actually a lot more on my mind... but we'll leave it at that for now. I need to get to bed. my lovely mommy just came in and told me to go to bed. let me tell ya, it's really annoying having my parents bedroom exactly underneath mine. they can hear everything, and I mean everything, I do. it doesn't help that we have wood floors and they squeak sometimes. ahahha *SIGH* but she's right I guess. sleep is good. so over and out for now. :)
God Bless

Oh! I just thought of something. I'm gonna ask you guys a question. if your out there. which I doubt. ha. nobody's reading this. but what ever. I'm gonna ask a question anyway!

Do you have a spot where you go when you want to be alone? Comment and tell me about it!

Cc's answer: I have a few spots. one is probably my bedroom. sometimes I'll hide in my closet behind the cloths. but it gets pretty stuffy in there. hahahaaha. another place is this secret spot along the trail that's surrounded by trees. I love it. it's right along the river. I've been going there a lot to think and just be alone. But if I can't go there, I go in my front yard and sit on our swing. the only draw back to that is that there are cars going by all the time and usually there are neighbor kids in our yard. so I tend to stick with my bedroom. :)

Comment if you're there! :)

Goodnight world.

Friday, September 24, 2010

what now?

Well, the show closed on Sunday. we only ran for four days, but hopefully we're going to start touring middle schools next month and throughout the year, so it wont officially end for awhile. which is pretty cool.
Life's going back to normal. I'm catching up on my school again which was horribly neglected over the summer.... yikes... It's nice to get my brain moving again. :P I'm pretty relaxed right now. I am glad I don't have to turn in to a monster every night anymore, though I really miss seeing my friends. this week really has been the post show de-punking. remembering how to be Cc again. I've just been taking it easy and getting my sleep back. I took a lot of walks and bike rides so I could talk to God. I found a nice little hidden spot along the river this morning where I can just sit and think. it's very nice.
To keep my theater mind going, yesterday I went to the library and got out a bunch of books full of monologues, so I could pick a few I liked and work on them and maybe memories them so I can pull one out at anytime. it's always good to have a monologue in your back pocket. I'm not planing on auditioning for another show till January, so that'll keep me busy in the meantime.

quick side note, I adore the guitar... I started learning at the beginning of this year. I totally fell in love with it... I don't have a teacher or anything, I'm learning intirely on my own, but I'm just having a blast with it. My dad plays guitar too, so sometimes he'll get out his guitar and we'll have a little jam session. I've never had something in common with my dad like that, so that's really exciting for me to share that love with him.

okay. that's all. I just thought I'd post just to get into the habit of posting regularly. :)

God Bless,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What's going on in Ceci's head.

I never know how to start these things... it seems kinda awkward right now because I haven't written here in... what, 7 months? more? I have no clue where to start. am I supposed to tell you about everything that's happened in the last 6 months? that would be a long post. I don't know. Well, this blog is titled "what goes on in Cc's head" so I guess I'll start with what's going on in my head...

hmmmm... Fall's coming. it's a pretty nice day outside. all my friends are back to school. one of my friends is even going to school in the Bahama's for 3 months. I'm pretty jealous. my sister Clara started her new life in Central Washington on Sunday, my other sister Karen continued her adventure in Michigan back in august, and my oldest sister Dana just started a new full time job. and here I am. a homeschooled sophomore in highschool. this is the point where I'm thinking "what about me God? isn't there something new and exciting you have for me?" I suppose that's a silly thing to think. I am actually going through a new and exciting experience right now involving theater.
I'm in a show titled "Juvie" at Theater Arts for Children. it's an ensemble piece set in juvie, and during the show you hear the story's of these kids and how they got there. I play the part of a gang leader who murders another girl during a gang fight. it's intense... I'm learning so much and it's really been the most amazing project I've ever been apart of. There's 13 of us. we range from the ages of 13 to 17. Just seeing all of us change and grow as actors has been incredible. our director has taught us how to become our character, and really learn what someone in that situation would be feeling and thinking. during one rehearsal we all sat down and wrote character bios so we could entirely know where we'd been, what we were feeling, and what was going to become of us. I've never been so understanding of my own character before... it's weird... it's not exactly pleasant to be inside of a murderers head, but just being someone else and exploring someone elses head for 4 weeks is really an incredible concept. once we step on to that stage, we're no longer ourselves. we ARE that character. I don't see my dear friend Nikki up there, I see June, who ran away from the fight and who's too much of a cowered to stand up and fight, and I hate her guts. I have never felt what I've learned to feel in these few weeks... I've never wanted to feel like that... but I'm so excited to be feeling it now. not because I like feeling pure hate, but because I know that I'm growing as an actress. I'm progressing and learning. and that is so exciting for me. to know I'm getting somewhere! closer to what I wanna become. that's the other thing. I realized during this show that, this is what I want to do. this is what I want to go to college for. I want to be an actress. now, I know that's not the only thing I want to do, but I definitely want to do this for the rest of my life. I'd love to major in theater. along side something smart and helpful to get a job of course. I'll probably end up double majoring. But I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
So, I guess the question I have for God is not "What about me", the question is "whats next for me?" whats gonna happen when this show is over? Which is a pretty retarded question to ask. it's like asking for one desert after another. what kind of ice cream am I gonna get tomorrow? I don't know. I guess I just have to live for the now and enjoy it, instead of constantly thinking about what happens next. That will probably make me a lot happier.

well, I guess that's what's going on in my head. I've decided I really need to write in this more often. Blogging is so much better then writing status' on facebook... hahaha I'll post some pictures soon. I've been doing a lot of photography lately. I got a fancy new camera for my 15th birthday. yes, I'm 15 years old now. how cool is that? honestly, it doesn't feel any different then 14. but that's okay with me. :)
mmmk, over and out for now, God bless. I gotta get ready for another rehearsal. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The mind of a Cc on pain killers.

*insert lots of thoughtful wisdom silliness*

ooooor not!! haahahaha!

life is pretty funny. we've been getting a few smacks in the face which are turning out to be kisses from God. ....... hmmm... not sure if that made any sense.. OH WELL! :D

I'm in paaaaain. I got my wisdom teeth out on friday. Joy. It's been pretty rough.. Friday and Saturday were probably the worst days. yesterday was weird because I felt like I could live again, so I tried living, and then I ended up getting really sick towards the end of the day. not good. today I'm trying to take it easy. I hate taking it easy. it sounds so easy and fun, but try doing it when you want to be out and about. *sigh* I don't liiiike it. blah.

have I ever mentioned I love babies? I love them. I LOVE THEM. I freak out when ever I see one anywhere. I'm all "BABBYYYYYY LOOK LOOK IT'S A BABY!!! AHHH!!" and my friends are all "yes Cc, we see the baby, caaaalm down..." I love my friends. they're the best ever. XD I got a baby sitting job for the first time last Saturday. My job was to put these two little girls to bed. no big deal. but I was thrilled. the girls were sooooo sweet and cute and the loved me. I was floating for the next few days. :D

OK, Auditions are coming up in a few weeks. but i have a problem. i don't know which show I should audition for. I need some help here. should I do:
Annie Get Your Gun (with Civic)
The last Gladiator (with Theater Arts for Children)
or, Pocahontas (with CYT)

I don't know what I shall doooo!!! they all sound amazingly fun! doing a show for Civic would be a great experience, doing another TAC show would be suuuch a blast, and CYT... well, CYT is kinda my backup plan. if I don't do the other two, I might as well do CYT. :)
I hate decisions... phooy. Help me out here! :D

mmmk. the pain meds are making me very sleepy now. I'm gonna go crash.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"We've got a Lifeguard down!"

really quick note here, HAPPY NEW YEARS! never mind that it's almost February... :) eh. I'm sorry it's been FOREVER since I've written... but if you're friends on facebook with me, you'll probably have a idea of what's been going on with me for the past 6 months.. I'm alive and well, and that's all that really matters, right?
well, ALMOST alive and well...
I'm taking lifeguard training at SCC. it's pretty sweet. I've wanted to do this for a veeeery long time, so I'm totally thrilled.
so, so far we've learned about Patron Surveillance, Assists, Submerged rescues, CPR, and how to use the AED. what's left? First Aid. that's right. blood guts and gore... oh yeah, and 3 degree burns. >.< this is the part where I run screaming from the room. hahahaha. so yesterday, we had a big test about CPR and the AED, and then after the test we entered in to the third section of the course, First Aid. we watched some stuff about strokes and how you know when someones having one and fun stuff like that.... and then we watched a video on open wounds and serious burns.... I was sitting there watching this with my text book covering most of my face while grotesque pictures of wounds and 3 degree burns come on the screen. my exact thoughts were "oooooh.... oooow... gosh... hoooly cow.. gross.. Why am I here again? oh man.. I don't feel too good.. hmm! I'm seeing double vision! I must be blacking out! that's really weird... I wonder why I'm doing that! hahahaha!" And Cc FAINTS. I kid you not. Next thing I know, I wake up on the floor with my instructor Michele leaning over me... I have no idea how long I was out.. it can't have been that long, but who knows.. it could have been a good five minutes. I immediately start freaking out and try to sit up and then realize that I don't feel too good... crud. "did I just pass out?? did I faint?! *giggles* ooooh my gosh I am so sorry.. oh wow I can't believe I just did that!" Michele tells me to keep lying down. everyone is looking at me with big eyes. all in all, it was pretty hilarious. I was giggling. hahahaha... eventually I got up and Michele got me some ice for my head (I got a lovely rug burn on my face) and we continued the lesson without the grotesque images. : )
so that was my little adventure for the month. I was excited. I've always wanted to know what it feels like to faint! hahaha... it's not quite as romantic as I thought it would be, but that's ok. *giggles* today I've been feeling pretty aweful.. my head and neck hurt and I'm totally drained.. but I think I'll be ok tomorrow. :P
anyway! thanks for reading. I hope I didn't bore you to tears.... hahahaha.. :) Love you all! hope you're having a great week! <3