Monday, January 17, 2011

over the weekend.

there's this horrid cold thing going around my house. everyone has gotten it, even Clara, who came home for the weekend. JUST THE WEEKEND. and now she's knocked on her butt. I suspect it's my turn. I feel okay except that I feel like I've been screaming my lungs out this weekend. I can function. I just don't feel well. meh.
I have rehearsal tonight. :D hopefully I wont contaminate the rest of the cast with what my family has. but, I think it's better to get sick now, one week into rehearsals, then get sick on opening night and not be able to sing. that would suck. but yeah I'm excited for tonight. we're choreographing the big dance number in the beginning , and a few other things. it's gonna be fuuun. full cast and all. bonding time? I think yes. :D
I've been reading the book. it's been tremendously helpful and I'm so excited. Marilla is seriously an amazing character. it makes me so happyyyy!!! what a great book too... it's hard to put it down. it's fun to be reading something I haven't read since I was like, 8. I understand it so much better now... it's really exciting. I'm having a great time. I'm so pleased to be playing this part.

so enough about theater for now. friday was a pretty busy day. we had my cousins Aaron, Amanda and Rufus over again for dinner to bid them farewell one more time before they left. it was a good time. I made a lovely pumpkin pie for the occasion, thinking of Grandma Mannino all the while. she was famous for her pies and baked goods and I always think of her when I bake. later in the evening, my dad got out his guitar, Aaron used my guitar, Clara, who had came home that day for the three day weekend, got on the piano, I sang, and we had a big old jamming session. we mostly sang Beatles songs... yes, I am proud to say we're that kind of family. it was lovely though. I love hearing the Mannino's sing together. I love that music is a big part of our family. we could be sitting at the TV watching movies or playing video games. but no. we make music together. I just think that is the best thing ever. And of course, there was Rufus. and any visit is a good one when there's a 2 week old baby in the house. :)


Anonymous said...

"i baked a lovely pumpkin pie" ha i love it.

Cecilia said...

whats wrong with a lovely pumpkin pie? :)