Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh Middle School students.

Yesterday I had another rehearsal. Almost all the cast was there so we got a lot done. But oh my gosh, everyone was SO hyper! It was hysterical. I don't think we've ever had a rehearsal like that. It was so weird and so fun. I don't know how to explain it. I guess all it is, is middle school. I have decided I really like being in middle school. I am having such a good time! If I could spend my whole life in one age, I would choose middle school. It might be really annoying for other people, but it sure is a blast for us. I am dreading turning 13 in four months. I used to really want to be 13. But now I just want to stay 12 forever. I know that 13 is still technically in middle school, but it's just not the same. I guess I could be wrong. It could be just the same. But I doubt it. *sigh* I know I am going to miss this stage.

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