Tuesday, January 29, 2008


David is running around the basement with some of dads bike tools. That can't be good.
Out side the snow is falling very thick and fast. It almost feels like a blizzard. (not like I've ever been in a blizzard.....) :P I tried to go out side and work on the snow fort but the wind was blowing so much I had to go inside. This is very odd Spokane weather. Usually, we get a few sprinkles in December, and then we get about five inches in January and then it gets sunny and melts the snow. This year it is very different. We didn't get any sprinkles in December. In stead we got five inches on the first snow and then it melted right before Christmas and then snowed like crazy on Christmas night. and since then we have been getting on and off dumping. I have a crazy feeling school wont be opening again for at least two days. But thats just a hunch. :D
I have nothing what so ever to do so here I am on my dad's computer typing about the weather. ?????? WHAT EVER CC!
I wanted to get away from all the noise of the house so I came down to the basement. Little did I know that the little monster was following me.....
Anyway! My cousins from New Orleans are coming up tomorrow! I am SO excited. Four of them are adopted from china and one is from Korea. It's pretty awesome. We have a lot of fun with them.
I have a piano lesson today! YAY! I'm having a lot of fun with them. I feel sorry for Mr. Baldwin though. We were having my lesson last week and all the sudden we hear Clara shouting "WHY IS THERE PIZZA DOUGH IN THE TOILET?!" Now, what happened there was that dad found some kind of old formula in the basement, and being my dad, thought the best way to get rid of it was to flush it down the toilet... But it didn't exactly go down.... and apparently it looked like pizza dough. Yeaaaahh. I think Mr. Baldwin was a little freaked out. It was pretty funny. :P


Me said...

From the Baldwins:

Mr. Baldwin: I wasnt freaked out... i felt at home :D

Mara: LOL David! Put down the bike tools! They are not for playing with, as cat food is not for eating. LOL.

... Wait... why WAS there pizza dough in the toilet...?

Cecilia said...

Well Mr. Baldwin, I'm glad you felt at home. But I was thoroughly embarrassed. It makes me feel a little better that you weren't scarred for life. :D