Thursday, February 28, 2008

A short post that was supposed to be long. :D

Life has been pretty good lately. Not very eventful, but good all the same. It is SO amazingly sunny out. I spent a lot of my time out there today. This morning we walked to the park. That was pretty fun. I got some school done, which is always a good thing. I've pretty much ignored it all year. :P And now I'm getting back in to the grove. Fun stuff. :)
I get to go see a CYT show tomorrow! Oh my gosh I am SO excited. They are doing The Little Mermaid. It should be a lot of fun. I haven't been to a show in about four months! Karen and Clara went last week and they said it was really good. They did the same Little Mermaid back in 2001 and Karen and Clara were crewing for it. I was five back then so I only remember bits and peaces from it. It will be really cool to see it again.
I don't have anything else to say! Aww man! I guess that means I have to post this. *sigh*:)

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